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Fan Expo Vancouver 2018

Last weekend (Oct 12-14) was Fan Expo Vancouver 2018!

It was my first time in Artist Alley, along side lots of very talented artists. It was a lot of fun talking to other artists and fans too. I even got to meet Baylee Jae, a great artist with an awesome YouTube channel.

Whenever I do events like that, I always hope that it will help promote my business and increase custom orders. I do not count as much on getting too many sales (as my dolls are more on the pricey side since they are all hand painted). I only did get two sales, but I was delighted to sell my largest and most expensive set, the Game of Thrones set!

I am a bit sad to part with the set, but it does make me happy that someone else can enjoy it and maybe one day I will make another set like it.

On another note, I am in the process of looking for a new camera, so I hope to get one soon and create more art videos!

- Rachel

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