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Custom nesting dolls and more!

Hello, my name is Rachel and I'm a 31 year old girl who just LOVES anything creative and fun. I currently have a passion for painting sets of nesting dolls (mostly fan art sets) but I plan to expand my shop with other creative little things. Message me anytime if you have questions or ideas of any kind! I am always more than happy to make custom orders. :)

The Inspiration

The story of my store started back in 2008. I was on a cruise to Alaska with my family and I stumbled across a Russian store selling a variety of nesting dolls from Russia. 

I always loved nesting dolls as a kid, I was fascinated that they all fit inside each other and I loved to play with them! I also loved to draw; I was a huge Harry Potter fan so I really enjoyed drawing all the characters. So the moment I saw a set of unpainted nesting dolls, I was instantly inspired!

The first doll set that I painted was more inspired by the traditional matryoshka dolls. I had so much fun painting it! A while later, I decided to purchase more blank dolls online and I thought... why not paint Harry Potter characters on the dolls? I decided to put them up for sale after as well and once they sold... I was so happy! The fact that people were interested in purchasing my work was so amazing to me! And the rest was history.

© 2020 Inspired Dolls

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